September 16, 2011


Well tonight Lance had his Whitecoat Ceremony!! What does that mean you ask? Well we weren't to sure either until tonight! :) So 5:00pm came around and we went to Parker University for their "social hour" before the Ceremony I got to meet a few of Lance's new Family which was awesome.

Then 6:00 came and we all gathered in the GYM and Listen to a few speakers talk about what it means to wear the Whitecoat..ect ect I honestly can't tell you most of what they said cause I was super excited to see Lance on the stage and get his Whitecoat but basicly It's something for them to remeber the code of honors and the student pledge and then once they hit Clinicals they could wear the coat if they wanted too....It was pretty cool! :)

So this is Lance walking the stage to get his white coat!!

This is him with his White Coat on!! woot woot!!
This is Lance during the Student Pledge for Chiro School

This is Lance and his very very Lucky Wife :)

We left and it was RAINING!!! yay! We went to Chili's cause we had a giftcard for it and ate some yummy foods and I being so silly forgot to have the waiter take a pic of us! grr its ok i'm over it. It was a fun night! :) except the part where Lance started to feel like crap :( But over all It was Great :)

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