September 12, 2013

1 year, 365 days, 8765.812 hours, 525,600 minutes

I have had the honor of nursing, hugging, holding, kissing, playing, snuggling with this little princess

I can't believe it's already been a year since we welcomed our sweet rainbow baby into this world. She is such a happy baby and so full of laughter and smiles!!
I can't believe how fast she has grown and how much I love her with every passing day!

So here is some favorite things about Kensley Noel

Color: Pink Pink Pink!!!
Food: avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas (she's a great eater!!)
Toy: dolls, stuff animals, balls. And the dog water although that is not a toy she seems to think so.
Friend: Daisy our doggie, she thinks Daisy is the funniest thing!
Loves: walking, bubbles, meowing like a cat, and getting into wipes and cupboards, silky blanket
Sleeps: 6:30-7:00 to 7:00-7:30
She likes playing with her clothes and blankets anything soft she carries around and hugs
Snuggle bug!!
Sucks her thumb when she's tired 
Bath time=fun time!
Music: loves it! She bounces to it and dances its so cute!
Game: peek a boo with a sheet
Snack: Cheerios
Sport: football but only if daddy is watching Italy COD

My little rainbow baby has brought so much joy into our home and peace into our hearts I am so lucky to call her my daughter and that I get to be her Mommy! My heart is so full I can't put into words how I feel about her turning one and the fact that she is mine well ours;) but I love her more each day and I hope time slows down a little because its flying by way to fast!!!! Happy birthday my beautiful baby girl!!

1 comment:

Stephanie C. said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl!!