September 13, 2014

Happy birthday Kensley!

September 12, 2012 a day I will never forget and always remember like it was yesterday little Miss K was born! Our sweet Rainbow baby turned 2!! How is that even possible!!!? Where has the time gone!!? She is such a sweetheart and such a joy to have in our home! She loves baby dolls, playing with our dog Daisy, balls, dirt, playing in the rain, playing outside, loves green smoothies, sweet potatoes, eggs, avocado, carrot juice, pizza, cheese and yogurt, she loves music and dancing and loves making her sister laugh! She plays pretend and it's so cute to watch!! She loves hide and seek!! Taking walks in the stroller and pushing the stroller around the apartment! She loves phones, purses, climbing on things, drawing, coloring, and lives blowing kisses and giving hugs!:) she loves books and Storytime and loves to FaceTime family:) 

So grateful to have her as our daughter! 

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