Like for example the Phoenix Half Marathon!! I can't believe I ran 13.1 miles in 3 hours and 2 minutes! It was such an emotional run! So it all started when I asked my support/ challenge group to text me encouraging words while on my run. I had 2 texts before the race started and it meant so much to me! Than I got one in the course just when I needed it! I was so overwhelmed by these amazing woman supporting me! And then I was really starting to just want to give up and I saw a sign with my name on it and another amazing woman in my challenge group cheering me and another woman in our group on!!! I wanted to hug her! It was just what I needed and as I passed her my eyes began to water. I was blown away that this sweet lady would take the time to make a sign and stand out and cheer us on!!! Then mile 9 came and I was toast! My right hip was in so much pain I was so ready to be done! But I put my face towards the sun and just soaked up the sun took a deep breath and kept moving! Then Taylor swifts playlist ended and I chose Katy Perry and mile 11 I was feeling good jamming out to my Katy Perry and then mile 12 was rough I knew I was so close and had to keep my pace up if I wanted to finish in my goal time and then for whatever reason i turned on alma school and started getting choked up and crying I was getting so close to the finish and all I could think about was how my amazing body was pushing though! How the only reason I was doing as good as I was was because the end of October last year my sister wanted me to do a 21 day challenge with her and how I said yes and got online and ordered 21day Fix. If I didn't do that I wouldn't have been doing what I am doing physically and emotionally. I am not only changing my outward appearance but I'm changing how I talk and feel about myself and my body. I CAN do HARD things!! I'm stronger than I think and I am happy. It was such an eye opting uplifting moment that all I could do was say a prayer of thanks and gratitude towards my body , 21day fix, my family for their support, and my amazing beachbody coaches and challenge groups! A year ago I wouldn't have been able to do what I did today! It was such an amazing feeling and experience and so uplifting to my soul. I'm so happy and so proud of myself for the hard work I have done and for believing in myself again.
Excuse me for share Obat sakit kepala disertai telinga berdengung Selow Obat nyeri dada akibat asam lambung naik have Obat kulit wajah belang dan kering keep Biaya operasi miom atau mioma saat ini must Obat penebalan otot jantung leaf Obat varises alami paling ampuh small Obat benjolan di leher belakang sebelah kanan dan kiri room Obat lambung bocor miss Obat gatal di selangkangan paha happy Obat abses anus Thank you...
Sharing nih Obat sakit pinggang menjalar hingga paha dan selangkangan must Obat ambeien bernanah tanpa operasi let Obat varikokel tanpa operasi sef Obat pereda nyeri haid yang aman Luy Obat sakit tenggorokan disertai batuk kering suy Obat paru paru basah puri Obat oles jerawat untuk ibu hamil dan menyusui take Obat benjolan di dekat lubang dubur / anus tanpa operasi mun Obat benjolan di payudara kanan dan kiri cuv Obat sakit di bawah diafragma sebelah kanan dan kiri Thank you...
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